Why you should outsource the bookkeeping

We all know hiring staff is expensive and time-consuming. Looking for qualified candidates and having half of them show up for interviews can be disheartening. Did you know that an internal employee usually costs a business 1.5x their hourly wage? You must consider health benefits, PTO, and the responsibility of managing and training that staff member.

There is a cost-effective solution to this problem when it comes to your accounting needs. Outsourcing an accountant can bring a much-needed skillset to your company all while being cost-effective in comparison to hiring internal. Besides saving you money and a potential headache, here are reasons why outsourced accounting will benefit you.

Better use of time - There is more to a business than just the numbers. Save your valuable time and eliminate in-house accounting distractions. What would you rather spend your time on? Hiring an accountant in-house can be expensive and a risk...do you really know what or who you are getting? Can you verify the credentials on their resume?

How long will it take you to get them up to speed with your business?

If they leave you must start over again. By outsourcing, you can easily eliminate this never-ending cycle.

Peace of Mind - You should always have confidence in the accuracy of your books. This will allow you to make the financial decisions you need to and grow your business the way you envisioned it.  Peace....what would you do with it? Are you constantly worried about the business financials? No need to be. Get accounting that is accurate, and you can rely on. Stop the guesswork and let the experts handle it for you! Get back your peace of mind.

Focus on the Business - Free up your brainpower and take your business to the next level. Too many business owners get wrapped up in the daily/hourly work and lose focus on growing the business. Stop working for your business and start working ON it!  Outsource your accounting and free up that valuable time and brainpower.

Lower Human Mistakes - Let’s face it we are all human. Mistakes happen. Sadly, human error…even with all the technology…is the leading cause of financial errors. Keep your money in your pocket, do not pay fines for extra fees for some miscalculations. We are all human and we make mistakes. But those mistakes can be costly. When it comes to hiring a bookkeeper, you can go internal or outsource. Internal comes with risk. Do they have the knowledge necessary to help your business, or will you have to train? Outsource to experts that ALREADY know what they are doing. Do not waste more time and money!

Reliability You Can Count On - Would you like to know for sure that everything that needs to get done will get done? Feel like there is a to-do list a mile long? We get it. Keeping a business running is a never-ending task. Never enough time in the day! I guarantee by outsourcing your bookkeeping, you will cut that list in half if not more!

Access to the experts - It is our job to know the most about accounting and we will make sure it is done right. Most business owners don't have an accounting degree, so managing the books is a daunting task!

On top of managing the books, tax laws change constantly. If you are not up to date, you could be missing out. Leave the accounting to us and YOU focus on what matters to you!

Financial Intelligence - With our accounting services you will get easy access to the financial knowledge and advice to keep your business moving forward. Do what your good at...running a company...get a financial partner that compliments your skills. OUTSOURCE YOUR ACCOUNTING

Reduce Fraud - Keep your money in your pocket, have someone help watch out for you. Never hurts to take a second look. Internal fraud unfortunately can happen even in small companies.


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